Adative Technologies

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This Website/Webpage will list and show some of the adpative tech, that is used to help people with disabilities.
There are many, many types of adaptive tech. that is currently being used today.
Some of this technology can be multi-purposed and help a variety of people with different disabillites.

List of different adaptive tech:

  1. Movie/TV audio descriptions
  2. iOS Voice over
  3. TTY Phones

Movie/TV audio description:

In recent years more and more movie theaters are slowly
switching from film projectors to digital with a server.
The server can processe and distribute the movies data and also audio description tracks .
Making described audio more available for people who need it.

Most of the major studios that produce movies have been including audio descripion with their movies since 2010.
smaller studios don't have the money to include audio description but sometimes they do.

Similar to theaters the number of described movies have slowly been increasing as well. Again simillar to how only major studios that produce movies have audio description for the movie.
The samething applies with how only the major movie studios then to always release audio described versions of the movie on DVD.

iOS Voice over

It's a gesture-based screen reader that allowsblind,deaf orpeople who can't move from the top to bottom of their body make calls and text to family etc.

VoiceOver is a gesture-based screen readers use an IPhone. With three presses of the home button while in iOS, you are now able to everything that is happening on the users screen.

TTY Phones

TTY stands for Text TelePhone. A TTY is a device that allows people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech-impaired use
telephone to communicate by allowing them to type messages instead listening or typing.

To use a TTY, you set a telephone handset onto special acoustic cups built into the TTY (some TTY models can be plugged directly into a telephone line). Then, type the message you want to send on the TTY's keyboard. As you type, the message is sent over the phone line, just like your voice would be sent over the phone line if you talked. You can read the other person's response on the TTY's text display.

Do any of these help regular people with now disabilities?

Yes, they can help them but it would just take longer to do things that you can already do so its a yes/no.

Links to references